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1 ml of the drug contains:

cloprostenol sodium salt — 0.25 mg

The liquid is colorless, transparent.

Pharmacological properties
Cloprostenol is a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin F2-alpha, which during the luteal phase of the sexual cycle causes regression of the corpus luteum in females and promotes the growth and development of follicles.

The drug is used:

for cows, heifers, and heifers — to increase labor during complicated births, to accelerate uterine involution, to retain litter, to treat endometritis in combination with antimicrobial agents, to regress persistent corpus luteum and cysts of the corpus luteum, to stimulate and synchronize estrus during insemination;
for sows - for stimulation of childbirth and synchronization of farrowings;
for mares - for stimulation of estrus and regression of persistent corpus luteum;
bitches, cats — in complex therapy of chronic endometritis and for termination of unwanted pregnancy.

When administered to females in the first trimester of pregnancy, there is a high probability of its termination.

Method of application and dosage
The drug is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

Cows, heifers, heifers:

birth complications — 2 ml per 400 kg of body weight (for every 50 kg of more/less weight, the dose is increased/decreased by 0.3 ml);
functional disorders of the ovaries — 2 ml 3-3.5 days before the desired date of insemination. In the absence of signs of estrus, the drug is re-introduced on the 11th day after the first injection, after 3-3.5 days, double insemination is performed.
Sows — 0.5-0.7 ml.

Mares — 1 ml, 4-6 days after the injection, the most favorable time for mating comes.

Bitches — 0.2-0.3 ml.

Cats — 0.1 ml, 3-5 injections are needed every 12 hours for termination of pregnancy.

Overdose may cause diarrhea, vomiting, restlessness, hypersalivation.

Storage conditions
In a dry, dark place at a temperature of +5 to +20 °C.

Expiration date
2 years.

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SKU: 000 324
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Drug category Hormonal, reproductive and behavioral medicines
Country of origin Ukraine
Dosage Form Injection solution
Volume 2ml
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