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Zoovit-3 solution of vitamins A, D, E in oil, 100 ml
1 ml of the preparation contains:

vitamin A - 30,000 IU;
vitamin D3 - 40,000 IU;
vitamin E - 20 mg.
Pharmacological action:
The properties of the preparation are due to the presence of vitamins A, D3, E.

Vitamin A promotes the growth and development of a young organism, activates the functioning of the organs of vision, mucous, sebaceous, sweat glands, is necessary for the development and normal functioning of the skin and mucous membranes, increasing the body's resistance.

The main biological role of vitamin D3 is to influence the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. It ensures the formation of bone tissue in animals, regulates the content of calcium and phosphorus in the blood and bone tissue and ensures their physiological ratio in the body.

Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant. Its effect on membrane structures has a positive effect on the functional activity of the epithelium of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, uterus, and conjunctiva. In males, it regulates spermatogenesis and prevents degeneration of the epithelium of the seminiferous tubules. In females, it improves fertilization and embryonic development of the fetus.

Treatment and prevention of A- and D-hypovitaminosis (rickets) in farm and small domestic animals, alimentary and secondary osteodystrophy, postpartum hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia, pre- and postpartum prolapse, alimentary dystrophy, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, retention of placenta, subinvolution of the uterus, endometritis, bone fractures. The drug is used for diseases that are accompanied by impaired absorption and metabolism of vitamins A and D, calcium and phosphorus (gastroenteritis, hepatodystrophy, hepatitis, ketosis, glomerulonephritis, manganese deficiency, cobalt deficiency, excess strontium).

For preventive purposes, once every 7 days subcutaneously or intramuscularly (5-6 injections for cows, 3-4 injections for sows), with the following use of vitamins in premixes.

For therapeutic purposes, the drug is administered once every 5 days subcutaneously or intramuscularly, the course of treatment is 5-6 injections.

The doses of the preparation are calculated for vitamin D3:
Animal species Intramuscularly or subcutaneously, ml (single dose)
prophylactic dose (for 7 days) therapeutic dose (for 5 days)
Dry cows (body weight 600 kg, planned milk yield 6-7 thousand kg) 1.8-2.0 3.5-4.0
Dairy cows (body weight 600 kg, daily milk yield 30 kg) 3.0 5.0
Young animals (per 100 kg body weight) 0.7-1.0 1.5-2.0
Stud bulls (per 1000 kg) 2.0-2.5 5.0-6.0
Pregnant mares 1.0-1.2 2.0
Lactating mares 1.5 2.3-2.5
Foals 6-12 months 0.4-0.5 1.0-1.5
Gestating sows 0.4-0.5 1.0-1.5
Lactating sows 0.5-0.6 1.75-2.0
Piglets weighing 30-40 kg 0.15-0.20 0.4-0.5
Lambs 0.20 0.4-0.5
Lactating ewes 0.30 0.6-0.7
Lambs 4-6 months 0.10 0.25
Goats 0.15 0.5
Chickens 0.05 0.15
If the animals' diets are unbalanced in terms of vitamin A, in order to fully provide them with this vitamin, it is necessary to additionally administer its preparations in the following doses, thousand IU, for prophylactic purposes once every 7 days; for therapeutic purposes - once every 5 days:

to cows, respectively, 300-350 and 350-400;
to young animals (per 100 kg of body weight) - 70-80 and 80-90;
to pregnant mares - 200 and 400;
to lactating mares - 250 and 550;
to foals - 50 and 100;
to pregnant sows - 80 and 150;
to lactating sows - 120 and 150-200;
to piglets 40 and 60-80;
to pregnant ewes - 25 and 70;
to lactating ewes - 40 and 80;
goats - 30 and 40.
Possible release form:
Glass bottles of 10, 50 and 100 ml.

In a dry, dark place, at a temperature of up to +15°C.

Shelf life:
2 years.

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ZOOVIT-3 oral

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SKU: 000 284
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Drug category Vitamins, vitamin and mineral complexes
Country of origin Ukraine
Animals CATS, DOGS
Dosage Form Bottle
Volume 100 ml
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