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🚑 Treatment of skin mycoses of dogs and cats, various types of pathogenic micromycetes, including the causative agents of trichomoniasis and microsporia:
🔹 Trichophyton verrucosum
🔹 Trichophyton mentagrophytes
🔹 Trichophyton equinum
🔹 Microsporum canis
🔹 Microsporum gypseum
Before use, the drug is mixed with warm water in a ratio of 1:50 and a working emulsion of 2% is obtained. A brush or soft cloth is dipped in it, and the affected areas of the skin and around them are thoroughly cleaned of crusts and dirt, and then covered with emulsion.
For dogs and cats, the product is applied to the coat. Animals of small breeds can be dipped in a container with a therapeutic emulsion. Long-haired animals should be cut before treatment.

Treatment is carried out 4 times every 3-4 days. In severe cases, the course of treatment can be extended after consultation with a veterinarian.

⚠ Contraindication:
Do not use in animals with increased sensitivity to the active or auxiliary substances of the drug
Precautions when using:
To prevent re-infection, all things with which the sick animal has come into contact (harnesses, brushes, brooms, shovels, scrapers, kennels, baskets, collars, etc.) are washed in the working emulsion of the drug or sprayed or other fungicides.
The emulsion is prepared immediately before application.
Do not use simultaneously with other fungicides for local use.
Personnel working with the drug must follow the basic hygiene and safety rules adopted when working with veterinary drugs and wear protective clothing (rubber gloves). Avoid contact of the drug with the skin. After finishing work, wash your hands with warm water and soap.
Composition of the drug:
1 ml of the drug contains: enilconazole — 100 mg.
🍀 Pharmacological properties:
Enilconazole is a synthetic fungicide with a broad spectrum of action, acting against various types of pathogenic micromycetes, including the causative agents of trichomoniasis and microsporia - Trichophyton verrucosum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton equinum, Microsporum canis, Microsporum gypseum.
It selectively inhibits the biosynthesis of ergosterol, the main component of the cell membrane of micromycetes and yeasts, which leads to irreversible changes in their cell walls.
When applied locally, enilconazole is characterized by low systemic availability, is poorly absorbed through the skin and only in small amounts penetrates into the tissues. It is excreted from the body of animals mainly with urine and feces. The half-life is 12-16 hours
Storage conditions:
In a dry, dark place inaccessible to children at a temperature of +5 to +25°C.
⚠ After opening the bottle, store the medicine tightly closed and use within 3 months.
Expiration date:
2 years.
Dermatomycoses/dermatophytoses, mycosis, mycosis are the most common skin diseases transmitted to humans by pets, especially dogs and cats.
This is a large group of skin lesions caused by pathogenic fungi. The most common of them are trichomoniasis and microsporia, which are commonly called mycosis.
Mycosis is characterized by the presence of areas on the skin with broken hairs, covered with scabs and scales. So the clinical symptoms of both diseases are almost the same.
Microsporia is accompanied by the appearance of round or oval areas covered with scabs or sparse broken hairs.
🔹 reduced immunity;
🔹 poor diet;
🔹 stress after moving or changing living conditions;
🔹 sedentary lifestyle in a limited space;
🔹 the appearance of another animal in the apartment;
🔹 crowded keeping of animals, for example in kennels;
🔹 the presence of diseases that reduce the barrier function of the skin (atopic dermatitis, scratches, ectoparasites, etc.);
🔹 long-term treatment with hormonal / steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (corticosteroids);
🔹 presence of worms;
🔹 spores of fungi from the street, which the owners of the animals brought on their shoes.

To make the diagnosis as accurate as possible, it is necessary to determine what type of fungal infection the animal has.

To do this, you should consult a doctor who will conduct the following tests:
🔹 examination of the animal's fur using a Wood's lamp;
🔹 microscopy of skin scrapings;
🔹 trichoscopy of hair from the affected area;
🔹 sown from the affected areas on nutrient media;
🔹 checking the sensitivity of fungi to fungicidal drugs;
🔹 general and biochemical blood analysis (to exclude risks during treatment).
Treating animals with fungal skin lesions
When treating animals with fungal lesions, the following issues should be taken into account:
🔹 Fungal diseases in pets affect the skin and/or mucous membranes;
🔹 It is not enough to use only external means (shampoos, ointments);
🔹 Even if the clinical signs have disappeared, relapses are still possible;
🔹 Over time, fungi become insensitive to the drug;
🔹 it may be necessary to use systemic antifungal therapy;
🔹 fungal spores can live in the skin and fur for years, so it is important to use effective drugs to destroy them.
Advantages of the drug ENILCONAZOL:
🔹 completely safe for animals, so it can be used to bathe dogs and cats;
🔹 has low systemic availability, is poorly absorbed through the skin, and therefore does not affect the general condition of the body;
🔹 for treatment, it is enough to perform 3-4 treatments at an interval of 3 days.
It is important to remember!
Conditionally pathogenic yeast fungi are always present on the skin. Malassezia disease can occur when immunity is weakened. Skin mycoses are often systemic and require systemic fungicides / antifungal antibiotics. The drug ITRACONAZOL is effective and relatively safe

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SKU: 000 138
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Drug category Dermatological
Country of origin Ukraine
Dosage Form Bottle
Volume 10 ml
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