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🐕 KONTRIK (girls) 🐈
🚑 The drug is used to delay or interrupt estrus in cats and bitches, to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
🟢 The drug is recommended for use with food or directly on the base of the animal's tongue 1-2 hours before feeding in doses:
🔹 maintaining estrus in cats: 1 tablet for 10-14 days between heifers throughout the period of required maintenance of estrus, but no longer than 18 months. Cats in which estrus occurs more often than normal are given 1 tablet per week;
🔹 interruption of estrus in cats: 1 tablet per day, no later than 3 days after the onset of symptoms of sexual arousal, for 3-7 days before the cessation of estrus. Cats weighing more than 5 kg use 1.5-2 tablets per day; 🔹 delay of estrus in bitches: 1 tablet per day per 10 kg of body weight for 7-15 days before the start of estrus, throughout the entire required estrus, but no longer than 30 days. The heat begins a few days after discontinuation of the drug, when using the drug for 30 days - in 3-6 months;
🔹 interruption of estrus in bitches: 2 tablets per day per 5 kg of body weight for the first 3 days after the onset of symptoms of sexual arousal and 1 tablet per 5 kg of body weight for the next 4-7 days;
🔹 prevention of stress during transport:
cats - 1-2 tablets once a day before transport;
bitches - 2 tablets per day per 5 kg of body weight for 2 days before transport.
🔹 prevention of unwanted pregnancy:
cats - 2-3 tablets once, female dogs - 2 tablets per 5 kg of body weight per day for 2 days. The drug should be used within 24 hours after unwanted mating.
Composition of the drug:

1 tablet contains the active substance:
megestrol acetate - 5 mg.

Excipients: lactose, milk powder, microcrystalline cellulose, calcium carbonate, polyplasdon, talc, aerosol, calcium stearate, starch.
Pharmacological properties
Megestrol acetate is a synthetic progestogen, acts on the hypothalamic-pituitary system of the animal, blocks the secretion of gonadotropic hormones (follicle-stimulating and luteinizing) by the adenotropic pituitary gland. A reduced level of these hormones in the blood of animals leads to a violation of female folliculogenesis, which provides an antiovulatory effect on the gonads of animals. As a result, heat is delayed, suppressed or interrupted, and sexual drive is reduced.

After taking the full course dose, sexual desire in animals returns after 3-4 months.
Megestrol acetate is well absorbed in the digestive tract and excreted in the urine within 1-2 days.
⚠ Contraindication:
Diseases of the genital organs (uterine suppuration, metritis, endometritis, etc.).
Mammary tumors, diabetes.
Animals that have not reached puberty.
Animals during pregnancy and lactation.

⚠ Reservation
It is not recommended to use the drug in animals first.
Do not exceed the specified doses.
Do not use the drug in bitches more than twice a year.
Do not use the drug in cats to interrupt estrus more than twice a year.
The drug is ineffective if more than 2-3 days have passed since the onset of estrus.

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KONTRIK (girls)

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SKU: 000 111
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Drug category Hormonal, reproductive and behavioral medicines
Country of origin Ukraine
Animals CATS, DOGS
Dosage Form Pills
Volume 10 pcs
  • Delivery to Great Britain (24 hours) - from EUR 25.99
    Delivery to USA (24 hours) - from EUR 33.99

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