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Light brownish-yellow, marbled, round, biconvex with beveled edges and a notch for division on one side, white and dark inclusions are possible.

The tablets can be divided into equal halves.

1 tablet (70 mg) contains the active substance:

marbofloxacin - 5 mg.

Excipients: lactose, povidone K 90, dry yeast, meat flavoring, crospovidone, hydrogenated castor oil, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate.

Pharmacological properties
ATC vet classification code QJ01 - antibacterial veterinary drugs for systemic use. QJ01MA93 - Marbofloxacin.

Marbofloxacin is a synthetic, bactericidal antimicrobial agent belonging to the fluoroquinolone group. Marbofloxacin acts by inhibiting DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV. It is effective against a wide range of Gram-positive bacteria (in particular, Streptococcus and Staphylococcus) and Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli, Citrobacter freundii, Proteus spp., Klebsiella spp., Shigella spp., Pasteurella spp., Pseudomonas spp.), as well as Mycoplasma spp.

A detailed literature data on the susceptibility of microorganisms, obtained on the basis of two European field studies, during which hundreds of pathogenic microorganisms sensitive to marbofloxacin for cats and dogs were tested, was published in 2009.

Names of microorganisms

MIC (µg/ml)

Staphylococcus intermedius


Escherichia coli


Pasteurella multocida


Pseudomonas aeruginosa


The breakpoints were set at ≤1 µg/ml for susceptible, 2 µg/ml for moderately susceptible and ≥4 µg/ml for resistant microorganisms.

Marbofloxacin is not active against anaerobes, fungi or yeasts. Resistance was observed among streptococcal strains. Resistance to fluoroquinolones develops as a result of chromosomal mutations, taking into account three mechanisms: decreased permeability of the bacterial wall, expression of an efflux pump, or mutation of enzymes responsible for binding molecules.

After oral administration to dogs and cats at the recommended dose of 2 mg/kg, marbofloxacin is rapidly absorbed and reaches a maximum plasma concentration of 1.5 μg/ml within 2 hours.

Bioavailability is close to 100%.

Marbofloxacin weakly binds to plasma proteins (less than 10%), is well distributed throughout the body and in most tissues (liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, bladder, uterus, gastrointestinal tract), it reaches a higher concentration than in plasma. Marbofloxacin is slowly excreted (t½ß = 14 hours in dogs and 10 hours in cats), mainly in the active form with urine (2/3) and feces (1/3).

Dogs: treatment of animals with diseases of the urinary tract and respiratory system, skin and soft tissues (pyoderma of skin folds, impetigo, folliculitis, furunculosis, cellulitis) caused by microorganisms sensitive to marbofloxacin.

Cats: treatment of animals with diseases of the respiratory system, skin and soft tissues caused by microorganisms sensitive to marbofloxacin.

Orally. The recommended dose is 2 mg of marbofloxacin per 1 kg of body weight per day (1 tablet per 2.5 kg of animal body weight per day). If necessary, in dogs only, the use of a combination of whole or half tablets of different strengths (5 mg, 20 mg or 80 mg) will ensure accurate dosing, namely:

Animal body weight (kg)

Number of tablets (5 mg dose)

Recommended dose of marfloxacin (mg / kg)

1 - 1.5


1.7 - 2.5

> 1.5 - 2.5


2.0 - 3.3

> 2.5 - 3.5


2.1 - 3.0

> 3.5 - 5.0


2.0 - 2.9

> 5.0 - 7.0


2.1 - 3.0

> 7.0 - 9


2.2 - 2.9

To determine the correct dose, it is necessary to accurately determine the weight of the animal's body (as much as possible) to avoid an insufficient dose.

The course of treatment for dogs is:
for the treatment of skin and soft tissue diseases - a minimum of 5 days or a maximum of 40 days, depending on the course of the disease;
for the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract - 10-28 days, depending on the course of the disease;
for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system - 7-21 days, depending on the course of the disease.
The course of treatment for cats is:
for the treatment of skin and soft tissue diseases - 3-5 days;
for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system - 5 days.
Do not use in animals with hypersensitivity to marbofloxacin or other fluoroquinolones or to the excipient of the drug.

Do not use in small and medium-sized dogs in the first 12 months of life, large breeds (Great Dane, Briard, Bernese Mountain Dog, Bouvier and English Mastiff) - in the first 18 months.

Do not use in cats in the first 16 weeks of life.

Special precautions for use
High doses of some fluoroquinolones may have epileptogenic potential. Should be administered with caution to dogs and cats suffering from epilepsy. However, no serious side effects are expected when the drug is used in dogs and cats in the recommended therapeutic 

dose. In particular, no joint damage was detected in clinical studies using the recommended dose.

When using the drug, generally accepted principles for the use of antimicrobial drugs should be taken into account. Fluoroquinolones are prescribed for the treatment of clinical conditions that are difficult to treat or conditions that may be difficult to treat with other classes of antimicrobial drugs.

When possible, fluoroquinolones should be used only taking into account the results of the susceptibility test of microorganisms.

Use of the drug in violation of the instructions given in this brief description of the drug may lead to an increase in the number of bacteria resistant to fluoroquinolones and a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment with other quinolones due to the presence of cross-resistance.

Use during pregnancy, lactation
In studies on laboratory animals (rats, rabbits), evidence of the presence of teratogenic, embryotoxic or toxic effects of marbofloxacin on the mother's body when used in therapeutic doses was not obtained. However, no special studies have been conducted on the use of the drug in pregnant or lactating cats and dogs. Therefore, use in these species of animals is permitted only after a thorough assessment of the benefit/risk ratio by the responsible veterinarian.

Interaction with other drugs or other forms of interaction
Fluoroquinolones are known to interact with metal cations when administered orally (aluminum, calcium, magnesium, iron). In such cases, the bioavailability of marbofloxacin may decrease. Theophylline clearance may be significantly reduced when used concomitantly with marbofloxacin.

In case of overdose, acute neurological disorders requiring symptomatic treatment may occur.

User warning
People with hypersensitivity to fluoroquinolones should avoid any contact with the drug. In case of accidental ingestion, seek medical attention immediately and show the doctor the label and/or package insert.

Wash your hands after use.

Release form
10 tablets in a blister, 1 or 10 blisters in a cardboard box.

A dry, dark place, inaccessible to children, in the original packaging at a temperature of 8 °C to 25 °C.

Shelf life - 3 years.

Shelf life of a tablet divided into two halves: 5 days.

For use in veterinary medicine!

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SKU: 000 201
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Drug category Antibacterial, antimicrobial (antibiotics)
Country of origin Slovenia
Animals CATS, DOGS
Dosage Form Pills
Volume 10 pcs
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