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🐕 MELOXICAM 🐈 oral drops
Meloxivet 1 ml of the drug contains: meloxicam 1 mg.
🚑 Meloxivet suspension is prescribed to dogs and cats as an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic drug in inflammatory and pain syndromes of various origins, including acute and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, synovitis, sprains), inflammatory diseases of soft tissues, as well as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug in the postoperative period.
🟢 Dosage:
Meloxivet suspension is used for individual oral feeding once a day.
🔹 In dogs, on the first day of treatment, the drug is used at a dose of 0.2 ml (4 drops) per 1 kg of the animal's body weight, in the following days 0.1 ml (2 drops) per 1 kg of the animal's body weight.
🔹 In cats, the drug is used on the first day of treatment at a dose of 0.1 ml (2 drops) per 1 kg of the animal's body weight, in the following days - 0.05 ml (1 drop) per 1 kg of the animal's body weight. Before use, the contents of the vial with the drug should be heated to 30 ° C and shaken.

The duration of treatment depends on the indications and condition of the animal, but should not exceed 10 days.

⚠ Contraindications:
Hypersensitivity of the animal to meloxicam; gastric and duodenal ulcer, severe renal and hepatic failure, hemorrhagic syndrome. Do not use simultaneously with corticosteroids, other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as anticoagulants.
Do not use in pregnant and lactating bitches, puppies and kittens under 6 weeks of age, animals in a state of dehydration, hypovolemia and hypotension due to the risk of toxic effects of the drug on the kidneys. The drug is contraindicated in animals with cardiovascular diseases.
Assign the shortest period of use and the minimum effective dose. In case of symptoms of side effects, the drug should be discontinued.
🍀 Pharmacological properties:
The drug belongs to the class of NSAIDs oksikamov, is a selective COX-2 inhibitor. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects. The mechanism of action is associated with a decrease in prostaglandin biosynthesis due to inhibition of the enzymatic activity of COX-2, which is involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins in the focus of inflammation; slightly affects COX-1, which reduces the risk of side effects.
In a dry, dark place inaccessible to children at a temperature of 0 to 25 ° C.
Shelf life - 2 years. Shelf life after first opening - no more than 3 months.
Precipitation is allowed during storage.

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MELOXICAM 1 mg oral 10 ml

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SKU: 000 107
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Drug category For the oral cavity
Country of origin Ukraine
Animals CATS
Dosage Form Orally
Volume 10 ml
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