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Wormikil suspension for dogs, 10 ml
Light yellow to yellow suspension. Stratification is allowed during storage, which disappears when shaken.

1 ml of the preparation contains active ingredients: pyrantel pamoate - 45 mg, febantel - 45 mg, praziquantel - 15 mg.

Excipients: polyvinylpyrrolidone, glycerin, sweetener, tween-80, xanthan gum, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, citric acid, flavoring, purified water.

Pharmacological properties
АТС Vet QР52 AA 51 Praziquantel group, combination.

VORMIKIL suspension refers to combined anthelmintic veterinary drugs. The spectrum of action of the drug is based on the pharmacological action of the components of the drug - praziquantel, febantel and pyrantel pamoate. The drug is active against gastrointestinal nematodes (Toxocara canis, Toxocara cati, Toxocara mistax, Toxascaris leonina, Uncinaria stenocephala, Trichuris vulpis, Ancylostoma caninum) and cestodes (Echinococcus granulosus, Alveococus multilocularis, Mesocestoides lineatus, Dipylidium caninum, Diphyllobotrium latum, Multiceps multiceps), parasitizing dogs and cats. Praziquantel is active against cestodes (tapeworms), is quickly absorbed by the entire surface of the parasites and is evenly distributed over their body. Praziquantel increases the permeability of parasite cell membranes for calcium ions, causes increased muscle activity, which leads to muscle contraction and spastic paralysis, and causes destruction of the outer cuticle in adult cestodes. Dead cestodes are often completely digested in the digestive tract and are not found in feces.

In mammals, praziquantel is rapidly absorbed in the digestive tract. Its highest concentration in blood plasma is achieved 1-2 hours after administration, it is rapidly metabolized and excreted up to 80% as metabolites by the kidneys within 4 days, with 90% excreted in the first 24 hours.

Febantel, which is part of the drug, belongs to the group of probenzimidazoles. It is active against nematodes (round helminths), including Ancylostoma spp., Uncinaria spp., Toxocara spp., Toxascaris spp., Trichocephalus spp. The mechanism of action of febantel is to disrupt the function of the microtubular apparatus of the parasite cells, damage the tubulin protein, reduce the activity of fumarate reductase, which is a key enzyme in the energy metabolism of helminths, stop the transport and absorption of glucose, causing the death of nematodes. Febantel is absorbed in the intestine, metabolized in the liver and excreted with bile into the intestinal lumen, where it is partially reabsorbed, excreted from the body both unchanged and in the form of several metabolites with feces and urine. Pyrantel pamoate (embonate) is active against nematodes (round helminths), acting on their cholinergic receptors, causing irreversible spastic paralysis. Dead nematodes are excreted from the animal's body by peristaltic movements of the intestine. However, pyrantel is not active against migratory larval stages of helminths.

In the body of mammals, pyrantel is poorly absorbed in the digestive tract and after oral administration at a dose of 10 mg / kg of body weight, its concentration in the blood plasma is 0.005-0.13 μg / ml after 1-3 hours. Pyrantel, which is absorbed into the circulatory system, is partially metabolized in the liver to N-methyl-1,3-propanediamine.

VORMIKIL suspension is classified as a low-hazard substance in terms of its impact on the body (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), in recommended doses it does not have an embryotoxic, teratogenic or sensitizing effect, and is well tolerated by dogs and cats of different breeds and ages.

VORMIKIL suspension is prescribed to dogs and cats, puppies and kittens from 3 weeks of age for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes for nematodosis (toxocariasis, toxascariasis, uncinariasis, trichuriasis, ancylostomiasis), cestodiasis (teniasis, dipylidiasis, echinococcosis, diphyllobothriasis, mesocestoidosis) and mixed nematode-cestodial invasions.

A contraindication to the use of the drug is individual intolerance to the components of the drug (including in the anamnesis). VORMIKIL suspension should not be used by females in the first half of pregnancy, puppies and kittens under 3 weeks of age, exhausted animals, animals with infectious diseases and recovering animals.

Do not use VORMIKIL suspension simultaneously with drugs containing piperazine and substances that inhibit cholinesterase.

VORMIKIL suspension is prescribed to animals individually, once for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, during morning feeding with a small amount of food or is administered forcibly to the root of the tongue using a dosing syringe at the rate of:

Animal type

Dose of the drug/body weight

Cats, kittens, puppies of small breeds

0.3 ml per 1 kg

Puppies of medium and large breeds, adult dogs

1 ml 3 kg

Before use, the bottle with the drug must be shaken thoroughly 

For therapeutic purposes, as well as for the purpose of prevention in group keeping of animals (nurseries, shelters, vivaria), the treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 14 days for nematodosis once a day; for cestodiasis and mixed nematode-cestodosis invasions once a day for three days in a row.

A preliminary fasting diet and the use of laxatives are not required. In case of a strong degree of invasion, deworming is recommended to be repeated after 10 days. For preventive purposes, deworming is carried out quarterly, as well as before each vaccination. Pregnant females are prescribed the drug 3 weeks before the expected birth with caution, under the supervision of a veterinarian, lactating females - 2-3 weeks after birth.

Side effects
When using VORMIKIL suspension according to the recommendations, side effects and complications in animals, as a rule, are not observed. In case of increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug and the appearance of allergic reactions, its use is stopped and the animal is prescribed antihistamines and symptomatic agents.

Some animals may experience gastrointestinal disorders (loose stools, vomiting), increased salivation, which disappear on their own without the use of drugs.

When using the drug for the first time in cats, hypersalivation is possible, which goes away on its own.

In case of significant overdose, the animal may experience depression, refusal to eat, excessive salivation, gastrointestinal disorders. In these cases, general measures are used to remove the drug from the body.

Release form
VORMIKIL suspension is packaged in 5 and 10 ml polymer bottles, individually packed in cardboard boxes complete with a dosing syringe.

In a dry, dark place out of reach of children at a temperature of 2 °C to 25 °C.

The shelf life of the drug is 2 years.

The shelf life after the first opening of the bottle is no more than 3 months when stored at a temperature of 2 °C - 8 °C.

For use in veterinary medicine!

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VORMIKIL oral deworming suspension

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SKU: 000 246
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Drug category Antiparasitic
Country of origin Ukraine
Animals DOGS
Dosage Form Suspension
Volume 10 ml
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